
JWinnovo organic nutrient conversion technology aims to change the rules of engagement in the fertiliser market in Australia and globally
Marketing / Web development / Graphic design / Brand Identity / Content & Support /
RGB #8de3d4
RGB #a3c866
RGB #c0e38d
RGB #e7e7e7

Identity Pattern

Symbol and Typography

Innovative technology

JWinnovo is an integrated engineering group that analyses, recommends and utilises innovative technology, to help solve major cost issues in mining, construction, materials handling, fossil fuels, bio-fuels, environmental engineering and the socio-economic impacts of the effects of innovative thinking, equipment and techniques.

Head / Sofia Pro
Semibold 50pt

Set the leading auto

Body / Sofia Pro Light 20 pt
Set the leading 30pt

Sofia Pro - regular 16pt

Sofia Pro - regular 14pt

jwi-site-2 jwi-site-3 jwi-site-4
In addition we have created the YouTube channel where all persons interested can find videos about the technology