Aurora Carpet Cleaning

Aurora Carpet Cleaning is a Domestic and commercial carpet cleaning company that uses the latest industrial cleaning machines with child and pet friendly cleaning solutions with a responsible and environmentally friendly approach to home cleaning.
Web development / Graphic design / Brand Identity / Web advertising / Marketing

Client Snapshot

Aurora Sydney Carpet Cleaning - is a small family business that works in central Sydney suburbs and provides very wide range of domestic and commercial cleaning services. The most important feature that differentiate this business from many others presented on the market is it’s focus on effective, but gentle and health- safe chemicals they are using in the cleaning process.

We set up our frst free initial comsultation with Natalya and Vadim to find out more about their business. As it turned out more than 40% of their clientelle were men, while traditional perception is that deciding on the carpet cleaning company is predominantly female prerogative. But after 1,5 hours of detailed coversation we found out that this is not the case at all.

After few more meeting and in-depth marketing analysis it was decided that professional carpet cleaning should take center stage on the website, as it is the leading service in the portfolio which attracts the clients. The rest of the satellite services of the portfolio should be represented in the background and do not destruct the customers from making the decision about what they came to the website for.

Brilliant team of creative people. Always up to date with the latest technologies. They are happy to share tonnes of information with every customer and make everyone life easier!
Natalia Bieloroussets / Aurora Carpet Cleaning

Target Market and Consumer Insight

Preferred target market segment of the business consists of homeowners - people who love and treasure their houses and pay a lot of attention to their home’s contents. Cleanliness and aesthetics of the house are important to them, and they take lots of attention to how exactly their carpets are being cleaned. Based on the perceptual estimate of the business owners, we can segment the customers into the following groups:

40% - wealthy male professionals or business owners who like to control every single detail in their life themselves. Often they have the investment property and order carpet cleaning for it as well. 1 of 3

15% - well-off career and business women, very busy and always short of time. Like to get the job done with their minimum involvement, but care about the quality of the result and level of service.

35% - yummy mummies with little children and homemakers. They are very involved in the process, interested in the chemicals being used because they care about the level of impact the carpet cleaning process might have on their children’s health.


Brand personality and style

It was decided, that website and logo style should make the impression of the knowledge, expertise, depth of understanding of the carpet cleaning process and thoroughly professional approach to each task. The client wanted the website and logo style to reflect the following adjectives: soft, cozy, homely, but demure and noble, expensive.

The Logo concept comes from the combination of carpet pattern, companie’s name and pure blue color. The logo is designed in a way that it could be easily adapted to any printed media: from A4 printed posters to the small round avatar on Social Media.


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In terms of the website our task was:

1. To develop a platform that will guide the potential customer directly to the contact.

2. To show the user a high level of service quality

3. To demonstrate to the customers that it is safe to deal with this company and to assure them that the companie’s personell is trustworthy and could be allowed to the house with no problems.

The order, content and location of all the elements on the website are driven by this task. For the impatient customers, who came to the website from the advertising and is ready to make the order immediately, a convenient functionality was provided - an instantly available call button.

For those who prefer text a contact, has a form on the site, for those who use the site after hours, in the evening, provided a form request a call back, links to social networks and more. All that the client would have been easy to order anytime, anywhere.

Information on the site itself is filed in such a way to gradually convince potential customers to view the page from top to bottom to make the order. We also use human to human approach, to demonstrate, with portraits, photo and video, who and how will be working when you order the service.

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Facebook Ads

We have also been developed, installed and configured in facebook advertising campaign, using the image carousel