Morris, Alexander & Nelson

Morris, Alexander & Nelson Barristers & Solicitors is a law firm practising in areas of Family Law, Criminal Law and Immigration Law. All of our Solicitors are qualified litigation lawyers. We are modern and dynamic lawyers in our fields and pride ourselves on clear, concise and competent solutions for our client’s desired legal outcomes.

We provide an accurate and honest assessment of your matter and we will advise and guide you in identifying the best option for you. We have sound professional knowledge on legislation.
Web development / Graphic design / Brand Identity /
Content & Support / Web advertising / Marketing / Social Media Marketing

Full service

Paxcore started working with Morris, Alexander & Nelson from the very beginning of their business activity.

When Paxcore team met MAN, it was just a small, but very ambitious start up. Twelve months on - this client grew into a successful, rapidly developing business.

We aimed to provide Morris, Alexander & Nelson with the highest possible level of services:
Web development / Graphic design / Brand Identity / Content & Support / Web advertising / Marketing / Social Media Marketing

Everything is possible

As Morris, Alexander & Nelson has a full-service agreement signed with Paxcore, we provide the on-going support for this client and produce all necessary materials whenever their need it: from business cards to each image on Social Media.

This integrated approach to companie’s image, advertising and marketing provides a competitive advantage on the market, significantly decreaces the cost of the development of each advertising media and simplifies overal promotion process. Our client knows that he can just drop us an e-mail and we will produce anything he needs in real time.


Working with Morris, Alexander & Nelson from the moment of its foundation, Paxcore specialists were involved in the development of each step and every move of the client’s marketing strategy and execution.

Professional approach to each stage of MAN’s marketing strategy resulted:
- in exponential growth of their business:
- in 12 months they have conducted more than 1500 consultations with new clients!

Analytiscs and planning

Successful marketing always has a plan in its foundation. SWOT analysis, goals setting and detailed budgeting with prospective KPI of the project were a significant part of our work with Morris, Alexander & Nelson.

Paxcore provided the evaluation of the performance level of the project on each step of the plan realisation:

We calculate Average Cost of Customer Acquisition (CAC), Customer Retention Rate (CRR), Customer Lifetime Value (LTV), Return on marketing (ROM). These key indicators are crucial in making decision about where to go next with your advertisig campaign.

Advertising campaigns

To achieve the desirable results from Facebook advertising campigns for Morris, Alexander & Nelson we have been continuosly monitoring the audience reaction to different types of advertising appeals and visuals, as well as taking into consideration seasonal fluctuations of Social Media traffic. Each ad campaign budget has been tuned up manually, which resulted in minimum possible cost per a click or like.

We've been working together since 2014


Morris, Alexander & Nelson website is a highly effective sales platform, which is a result of joint effort of the Paxcore and MAN teams.

We started from creating of the website prototype, layout designs, launched the website and devised a substantial work on the companie’s platform improvement based on the reaction of the users.

We asked ourselves: What will increase the sales? What the clients would like to know first about the service? How to retain their attention, so their stay on the website?

Each element of the website was tested on numerous levels and had it’s purpose, working towards the main goal of the business - converting quality leads into clients.


Monitoring and analytics showed that substantial part of the users vist Morris, Alexander & Nelson website form their devices.

For that reason Click to Call option was integrated into the mobile version.

Responsive website does not only understand, which device current visitor is using, it is able to adapt and change it’s structure depending on this data.

click here to follow us on facebook 2084 likes

Social media

Having conducted the detailed competitive analysis, we have discovered that the majority of the market players in Morrison, Alexander and Nelson segment do not use Social Media to its full advantage or ignore this communicational channel completely. That’s why we decided to act counterintuitively and forge full scale advertising campaigns on Facebook and Instagram, using both payed and organic tools.

At the moment 19.7% of website traffic for MAN comes from Social Media activity, which is an exellent result. We attribute this success to the ability of the client to sustain the testing period and to the detailed and effective targeting performed by Paxcore, as well as consistent and effective visual and content delivery.

A lot of graphics